
Hi. I'm Christine Winney. The creator, owner and designer of Ogsplosh. 

I thought it was about time I started a blog about my business. I've put it off for years. Literally. So here I am, cringing at my photograph staring back at me, trying to think about content that won't bore everyone, and panicking about bad grammar and spelling mistakes. There will be plenty of both, so I'll apologize for them now and warn you that there will be plenty more to come!

I started Ogsplosh around ten years ago, but didn't treat it like a business until around three years ago. My two daughters were independent young women off at University (thousands of miles away in England) and I had a lot of time on my hands. I knew I had to improve my Etsy shop in all aspects so I hired people to sort out my branding and product descriptions. I read all about product photography and joined an amazing group on Facebook (Flourish) which is run by Sarah Sewell. I can't recommend her and the group enough!! 

Anyway, here I am now, with a much improved Etsy shop (OgsploshAccessories.Etsy.com) and a fairly new website (ogsplosh.com). One question I get asked a lot is, where did the name Ogsplosh come from? Well, my husband get's credit for that. It was his nickname for our eldest daughter when she was a toddler. I have no idea where it came from but it seemed like the obvious choice for my Etsy shop. Plus I'm not that imaginative, so Ogsplosh it was!

I will try really hard to write on a regular basis, and not to bore you (I can't promise anything). I'll post about new products, sales, my dog (a very old puppy called Scooby) and all things to do with Ogsplosh.

If you read this far, thank you, and we'll chat again soon!

~ Christine.

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